Rococo 직물에 나타난 플로럴 패턴의 조형성

A Study on the Figuration of Floral Pattern of Rococo Textiles

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


The shape of floral pattern in the period of Rococo are a pots, a flower and ribbon style, a flower and a stripe style, a lace style and a scene style etc, and also in that time an apperance of softness of curved line, delicacy and smoth line, irregular and unrestraint line, motive of tiny and extra ordinarily, little bunch of flowers, and stripe style was a feature. The style of presentation were a presentation of fixed style such effect as lace, and a presentation of realistically style emphasized a massiveness and a cubic effect, and also used a natural color, and the presentation of abstract expressed like imagined anything and fancied. Weaving expressed delicate, brilliant, fantastic, and an atmosphere with elegant. embroidery was expressed in creation with emphasized in reality. Printing was fantastic with exotic in development of chintz due to effection of orient. The based on a salon civilization, the refind beauty of taste of royalty gave a refinded feeling with over affectionate in preference with a softness of curved line, and a motive of tiny and extra ordinarily. The classical beauty of elegant was realistic in being concentrated on building up blance and homony. The natural beauty of romantic was in being devoted the theme with soft and fantastic.



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