근골격계 질환 예방을 위한 하지의 불균형 작업자세에서 근전도를 이용한 하지 근육의 작업부하 평가

The Evaluation of Workload on Lower Limbs Muscles in Imbalanced Lower Limbs Postures Using EMG for Preventing WMSDs

  • 홍창우 (농촌진흥청 농촌지원국) ;
  • 김유창 (동의대학교 산업경영공학과)
  • Hong, Chang-Woo (Extension Service Bureau, Rural Development Administration(RDA)) ;
  • Kim, Yu-Chang (Department of Industrial Management Engineering, Dong-Eui University)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


Work related musculoskeletal disorders(WMSDs) was a leading cause of sick leave and injuries in the industries of our country. Posture was an important consideration in the design of work method and workplaces, because it affected the ability of workers to use various equipments and influenced how long they could perform their job without feeling discomfort, fatigue, and musculoskeletal disorders. Imbalanced lower limb postures such as a squatting posture were awkward working postures common to the shipbuilding shops, farms, automobiles assembly lines in our country. Different awkward working postures were known to be associated with specific musculoskeletal disorders. Eight postures in lower limb postures divided into balanced and imbalanced postures were evaluated by electromyographic(EMG) activity for lower limb muscles. Twelve male subjects participated in this study. This paper was to analyze the effects of lower limb muscles workload according to lower limb postures(knee angle) and working time. The ANOVA results showed that most EMG root mean square(RMS) values were statistically significant effect according to lower limb postures(knee angle) and working time. Therefore, the results of this study will provide the basis to evaluate workload of lower limb postures correctly adopted by workers in various jobs and the ergonomic reference to prevent WMSDs.



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피인용 문헌

  1. A Survey on Ergonomic Evaluation Methods of Agricultural Work for Preventing WMSDs vol.30, pp.4, 2011,
  2. Ergonomic Evaluation of Workload in Imbalanced Lower Limbs Postures vol.30, pp.5, 2011,
  3. Development of Wearable Body Weight Support System to Reduce Muscle Activity in Various Upright Tasks vol.12, pp.2, 2017,
  4. A Study on Functional Movement Screen and Automobile Worker's Musculoskeletal Disorders vol.35, pp.3, 2016,