Study on Path Planning Algorithms for Unmanned Agricultural Helicopters in Complex Environment

  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


In this paper, two algorithms to solve the path planning problem with constraints from obstacles are presented. One proposed Algorithm is "Grid point-based path planning". The first step of this algorithm is to set points which can be the waypoints around the field. These points can be located inside or outside of the field or the obstacles. Therefore, we should determine whether those points are located in the field or not. Using the equations of boundary lines for a region that we are interested in is an effective approach to handle. The other algorithm is based on the boundary lines of the agricultural field, and the concept of this algorithm is well known as "boustrophedon method". These proposed algorithms are simple but powerful for complex cases since it can generate a plausible path for the complex shape which cannot be represented by using geometrical approaches efficiently and for the case that some obstacles or forbidden regions are located on the field by using a skill of discriminants about set points. As will be presented, this proposed algorithm could exhibit a reasonable accuracy to perform an agricultural mission.



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