복수 조합에 의한 고휘도 발광 다이오드의 분광분포와 수중투과특성

Spectral Irradiance and Underwater Transmission Characteristics of a Combined High-Luminance Light-Emitting Diodes as the Light Source for Fishing Lamps

  • 최석진 (특허청 기계금속건설심사국)
  • Choi, Sok-Jin (Machinery & Metals and Construction Examinations Bureau, Korean Intellectual Property Office)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


The spectral irradiance and underwater transmission characteristics of a combined high-luminance light-emitting diode (LED) lights have been studied to evaluate suitable light sources for fishing lamps of the next generation. The wavelengths at which the irradiance was maximum were changed from 473, 501, 525, and 465 nm for blue, peacock blue, green, and white LED light to 475, 504 and 528 nm for [$F_{WB}$], [$F_{PB}$] and [$F_{GB}$] combined LED lights, respectively. If the irradiance characteristics at 400-700 nm wavelengths are set as 100%, the irradiance rates at 450-499 nm and 500-549 nm were decreased from 82.4% and 56% for blue, peacock blue LED light to 60.0%, 38.5% for [$F_{WB}$], [$F_{WP}$] combined LED lights. The underwater transmission characteristics of the combined LED lights were superior in the order [$F_{WB}$], [$F_{BP}$], [$F_{GB}$] in optical water type I; [$F_{WB}$], [$F_{PB}$], [$F_{GP}$] in optical water type II-III; and [$F_{GP}$], [$F_{WP}$], [$F_{PB}$] in optical water type 1. Setting the 10m depth underwater transmission characteristics of the combined LED lights in optical water type I at 100%, the transmission of water types II, III and 1 drops to 29.5%, 8.0% and 2.2%. Based on the distribution of spectral irradiance and underwater transmission characteristics calculated in optical water types II-III, where was the jigging ground for fishing lamps, the [$F_{WB}]$ and [$F_{GP}$] combined LED lights can be used as a suitable light sources for fishing lamps of the next generation.



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