Variation in Physiological Energetics of the Ark Shell Scapharca broughtonii (Bivalvia: Arcidae) from Gamak Bay, South Coast of Korea

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


This study presents physiological rates of respiration and excretion, clearance rate, and assimilation efficiency of the ark shell Scapharca broughtonii, determined during 2007 from specimens collected in Gamak Bay on the south coast of Korea. Physiological parameters were measured monthly under static, laboratory controlled conditions with ambient conditions, and measurements were performed seasonally in order to estimate scope for growth and its probable sources of variation. Temperature directly influenced respiration and excretion. Clearance rates showed a tendency to be low during May-August, which is a period of gametogenesis. Assimilation efficiency was not significantly different seasonally and was independent of the concentration of chlorophyll a. The scope for growth was negative during high-temperature months (July-August), reflecting the high temperature and low clearance rate, and had its highest positive values during spring and autumn. The energy budget or growth potential of bivalves has been applied to other economically important species. Data on the physiological parameters and scope for growth of S. broughtonii obtained in this study will be used to assess the carrying capacity for ark shell cultivation.



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