주방의 조리 공간 및 조리 기구의 사용자-만족도 측정 - 한.미 비교를 중심으로 -

Use-Utility of Kitchen Center and Cooking Equipments - Comparison between U.S.A. and Korea -

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


The purpose of this study was to establish a model of the use-utility of cooking equipments and kitchen centers using survey data and to compare U.S.A. with Korea. The survey was conducted to identify attributes that were related to the efficiency of kitchen centers as well as equipments. Indices for the most important attributes were developed and used to compare different selections of equipment. The impact of adding an equipment item was found to vary with the attributes of the item, the degree of importance ascribed to the attributes of the work center and specific functions performed there. Similarities and differences between the U.S.A. and Korea are discussed, and implications for those who have interest in the use-utility model of cooking equipment and kitchen centers are provided.



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