보은 회인향교 명륜당 목부재의 연륜연대 분석

The Analysis of Tree-Ring Dates of Wood Elements Used for the Myengryundang Hall in Hoe-in Confucian Shrine, Boeungun, Chungbuk, Korea

  • 박창순 (충북대학교 목재.종이과학과) ;
  • 박원규 (충북대학교 목재.종이과학과)
  • Park, Chang-Soon (Department of Wood and Paper Science, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Park, Won-Kyu (Department of Wood and Paper Science, Chungbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.25


Hoein Hyanggyo is a confucian shrine at Hoein, Boeungun, Chungbuk, Korea. Using tree rings, we dated its lecture hall, Myengryundang which is a two-storied wooden structure with half-gabled and half-hipped roof. The woods of Myengryundang consisted mainly of lard pine (probably, Pinus densiflora). We collected 27 samples (4 columns, 2 beams, 5 purlins, 4 capitals, 8 floor frames/boards and 4 others). The results indicated that the major cutting year was A.D. 1702. This date helped to correct the miswritten Chinese-calender date which was recorded in the document for the framework-raising ceremony.
