Video Content Indexing using Kullback-Leibler Distance

  • Kim, Sang-Hyun (School of Electrical Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.28


In huge video databases, the effective video content indexing method is required. While manual indexing is the most effective approach to this goal, it is slow and expensive. Thus automatic indexing is desirable and recently various indexing tools for video databases have been developed. For efficient video content indexing, the similarity measure is an important factor. This paper presents new similarity measures between frames and proposes a new algorithm to index video content using Kullback-Leibler distance defined between two histograms. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm using Kullback-Leibler distance gives remarkable high accuracy ratios compared with several conventional algorithms to index video content.



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