Gestalt Group Meditation Therapy Effect on Occupational Stress and Anxiety in Working Women

  • Published : 2009.12.28


The purpose of this research was to measure the effect of a gestalt group meditation therapy intervention program on occupational stress and anxiety in working women aged 30 to 49 in Korea. Scientific methods were employed to test a gestalt group meditation therapy intervention program as treatment for working women in 30-40s to reduce their level of occupational stress and anxiety. The study involved 18 volunteer subjects ages of 30 to 49 years, randomly divided into two groups: (1) gestalt group meditation therapy intervention program, and (2) no program. Both groups completed a pre-test and a post-test of occupational stress scale and trait anxiety inventory. The outcome data was analyzed as qual1litative information using the SPSSPC+ computer program. Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze the result in order to verify the sameness between experienced group and controlled group of pre-test scores within the groups. Also U-test comparisons were used to analyze the treatment effects. The results of this investigation indicated that (1) occupational stress scores decrease after gestalt group meditation therapy intervention program on the treatment group, and (2) trait-anxiety scores decrease after gestalt group meditation therapy intervention program on the treatment group. In summary, the gestalt group meditation therapy intervention program for career women, aged 30 to 49, in Korea could reduce the subjects' occupational stress and anxiety.



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