A total of 24 processed barley samples produced in Korea, 9 split and 15 pressed, were analyzed for protein, $\beta$-glucan, and amylose content whiteness cooking characteristics (water absorption and expansibility) and pasting properties, with respect to the areas in which they were grown. Split and pressed barley products from Japan were compared. Both forms of barley products had similar contents of protein and $\beta$-glucan. Whiteness was higher in pressed barley than in split barley. Split barley produced in Korea had a higher water absorption (342-436%) and expansibility (449-608%) than did pressed barley. Japanese processed barley products were much lower in protein (4.4-6.6%, w/w) and showed a higher whiteness grade than did Korean products. Whiteness of pressed barley ranged from 57.2-68.3 and was higher than that of split barley, but split barley product showed better cooking characteristics than did pressed barley. Japanese products were similar to Korean materials in this respect. A negative correlation was observed between protein content in and whiteness of processed barley products (r=-0.5112, p<0.01). Waxy barley products had a lower pasting temperature, and showed higher breakdown and lower setback than did non-waxy barley products. The pasting properties of Japanese products were different from those of Korean materials. The pasting temperatures of Japanese split and pressed barley were lower, and the setback much higher, than seen with Korean products. The results show that both splitting and pressing efficiently improve the cooking characteristics of barley. The processing of waxy barley was particularly effective.
국내 시판 할맥과 압맥제품의 성분 및 취반특성을 알아보고자 보리쌀 24제품(할맥 9개, 압맥 15개)을 수집하여 단백질, $\beta$-glucan, 아밀로오스 함량, 백도, 취반 및 호화특성 등을 조사하였다. 또한 일본산 가공 보리쌀 7제품(할맥 3개, 압맥 4개)도 구입하여 비교 분석하였다. 국내산 할맥과 압맥제품들의 단백질, $\beta$-glucan, 아밀로오스 함량은 비슷하였으며, 일본산 제품들의 경우에도 같은 경향을 나타내었다. 국내 제품의 경우 일본 제품에 비하여 단백질함량이 높고 백도가 낮은 특징을 보였으며 국내산과 일본산 모두 백도는 압맥이 할맥보다 높은 경향을 나타내었고 단백질과 백도는 부의 상관관계(r=-0.5112, p<0.0l)를 나타내었다. 국내산 할맥제품의 흡습성은 342~436, 퍼짐성은 할맥제품이 449~608%로 높고 용출고형물은 낮아 압맥제품보다 좋은 취반특성을 나타내었다. 특히, 찰성보리쌀을 가공한 제품이 더 좋은 취반특성을 나타내었다. 일본산 제품의 경우에도 할맥의 퍼짐성이 431~518%로 압맥보다 높은 경향을 나타내었다. 국내산 할맥과 압맥 제품의 호화개시온도는 압맥과 할맥제품에서 비슷하였으며 찰성보리쌀을 가공한 할맥 제품이 다른 제품에 비하여 낮은 호화개시온돈 높은 강하점도와 낮은 치반점도를 나타내었다. 일본 제품은 국내산 제품보다 낮은 호화개시온도와 높은 치반점도를 나타내었다.