동태적 직무분석을 이용한 암 환자 케어 코디네이터의 직무 분석

Dynamic Job Analysis of the Cancer Care Coordinator in a General Hospital

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore roles of cancer care coordinator's by developing job description, job specification and job process map using dynamic job analysis. Method: The development process consisted of three stages of vertical job analysis and three stages of horizontal job analysis by modifying Song(1997)'s dynamic job analysis. Focus group interview was used to validate the content of the job analysis. Results: Cancer care coordinator's job description was categorized into six major categories, fourteen intermediate categories and one hundred forty specific jobs. Major categories are professional nursing practice, consultation and counsel, coordination and collaboration, education, research and leadership. Cancer care coordinator's job specification included master's degree with over five years of clinical experience preferably relevant clinical area, professional knowledge on pathophysiology of cancer, case management and cost control, competency for communication and counselling skills and clinical decision making. Cancer care coordinator's job process map was framed with time(horizontal) and activities(vertical). Conclusion: The Outcomes of this study will guide to develop possible areas of oncology advanced practice nurses in hospital setting and facilitate the use of oncology nurse practitioners by developing care coordinator roles in cancer care.



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