Edge Preserving Speckle Reduction of Ultrasound Image with Morphological Adaptive Median Filtering

  • Ryu, Kwang-Ryol (Department of Electronic Engineering, Mokwon University) ;
  • Jung, Eun-Suk (Department of Electronic Engineering, Mokwon University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Speckle noise reduction for ultrasound CT image using morphological adaptive median filtering based on edge preservation is presented in this paper. Speckle noise is multiplicative feature and causes ultrasound image to degrade widely from transducer. An input image is classified into edge region and homogeneous region in preprocessing. The speckle is reduced by morphological operation on the 2D gray scale by using convolution and correlation, and edges are preserved. The adaptive median is processed to reduce an impulse noise to preserve edges. As the result, MAM of the proposed method enhances the image to about 10% in comparison with Winner filter by Edge Preservation Index and PSNR, and 10% to only adaptive median filtering.



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