Optimal Parameter Selection of Q-Algorithm in EPC global Gen-2 RFID System

  • Lim, In-Taek (Department of Embedded IT, Pusan University of Foreign Studies)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Q-algorithm is proposed at EPC global Class-1 Generation-2 RFID systems to determine the frame size of next query round. In Q-algorithm, the reader calculates the frame size without estimating the number of tags. But, it uses only the slot conditions: empty, success, or collision. Therefore, it wastes less computational cost and is simpler than other algorithms. However, the constant parameter C value, which is used for calculating the next frame size, is not optimized. In this paper, we propose the optimized C values of Q-algorithm according to the number of tags within the identification range of reader through a lot of computer simulations.



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