A Study on the RTC romote system of Water Environment for Wireless Network

  • Sung, Kyung (Department of Computer Education, Mokwon University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


There is to solution the environmental data which the importance is seriously taken into consideration in the the 21st century that is set up whether or not be a welfare society advanced country according to quality of life elevations through environments in question to a preferential assignment for an environmental control will decrease of measures, and be proceeded so as to be urgent. However, shall get measurement of a correct environmental pollution duty and reduction measures stopped on bases of the data which there is reliability, and decrease excessive pollution than what, and may overcome efficiency of waste of cost environmental pollution management. Environmental pollution data collected are regarded as important, and, specially, a collection of environmental data forecast a pollution circle, or to analyze future development is important very at an environmental policy decision or decision making step to be national besides pollution reductions.



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