A Study on the de'paysment characteristics in modern architecture - In light of Rene Magritte -

현대 건축공간에 나타나는 데페이즈망 특성에 관한 연구 - 르네 마그리트를 중심으로 -

  • 장한솔 (국민대학교 테크노디자인전문대학원 실내디자인) ;
  • 허범팔 (국민대학교 조형대학 실내디자인학과)
  • Published : 2009.12.31


Man has an unconscious desire to free oneself from everyday selves and a strong intellectual desire to see and analyze things in a different perspective. This provided a momentum for architectural design that has long been confined to its limits of modernism of being rational and objective. The ever-changing society that we live in filled with various attempts and pluralistic characteristics shows a complex set of attributes that can hardly be defined by a single term. As society moves towards an uncertain and volatile state, the boundary between literature, philosophy and art has dimmed out and converged. Such tendencies have been observable in recent establishments in architecture in the form of introducing external elements and create an alien and farfetched architectural space. Using the 'depaysement' defamiliarization method expressing irrationality and randomness, it is applied in various aspects, sharing the counter-rational structure and features of such architectural space. Hence, it is the purpose of this study to delve into the unique characteristics of depaysement through Magritte's work which reflects the unique pictorial world built under the influence of surrealism, and discover the $D\acute{e}paysement$ tendencies in modern architectural space. It is apparent in Modern architecture that, owing to the development in digital technology, it is showing process changes in design and an interfacial $D\acute{e}paysement$ effect in cyberspace, an interlace of reality and the virtual world. In this study, the focus of analysis was architectural properties such as the program, figure/spatial, material and the objective side, but due to mutual text properties, it is bound to be an overlapping analysis.



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