$TiO_2$ 입자 제조에 있어 용매 종류와 소성온도 영향

Effect of Alcohol Solvents and Calcination Temperature on the Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide Particles

  • 김남석 (신라대학교 공과대학 에너지응용화학과) ;
  • 김성훈 (신라대학교 공과대학 에너지응용화학과)
  • Kim, Nam-Seok (Department of Engineering in Energy and Applied Chemistry, Silla University) ;
  • Kim, Sung-Hoon (Department of Engineering in Energy and Applied Chemistry, Silla University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Titanium dioxide particles are used as cosmetics, pigments, photocatalysts, adsorbents, catalytic supports, and sensors. The $TiO_2$ particles were prepared by the precipitation in TTIP/Solvent mixtures and calcined at different temperatures. The resulting materials were characterized by XRD and SEM testing techniques. The $TiO_2$ particles phase composition was determined by XRD ranging from amorphous to crystalline anatase and rutile largely proportional to the calcination temperature.



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