유.무배우 여자노인의 연령, 경제상태, 신체만족도에 따른 생활만족도

The Effects of Age, Economic State, Physical Satisfaction on Life Satisfaction of Widowed and Married Elderly Women

  • 이신숙 (순천대학교 사회복지학부)
  • Lee, Shin-Sook (Dept. of Social Welfare, The National Sunchon Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


The subject of this study is a cohort of elderly women who are older than 60 years of age and reside S city in and Jeonnam. The sample size of this study is 386. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, reliability, ANOVA, correlation, and multiple regression analysis through the SAS package program. The major study result were as follows. First, the physical satisfaction of elderly women is low, and the life satisfaction of the married group is higher than for the widowed group. Second, according to the results. For the women from the married group, the effect were from economic state, age, and physical satisfaction. There were also significant interaction effects according to economic state$\times$physical satisfaction, age$\times$economic state$\times$physical satisfaction, and age$\times$physical satisfaction. As for women from the widowed group, the effect were from physical satisfaction, economic state, and age. There were also significant interaction effects according to economic state$\times$physical satisfaction, age$\times$physical satisfaction, age$\times$economic state$\times$physical satisfaction, and age$\times$economic state. Fourth, the married group gave significance to life satisfaction, economic state, physical satisfaction, and age. The group of widows gave significance to life satisfaction, physical satisfaction, economic state, and age. The results of this study suggest that we should be concerned about the physical satisfaction of older women and should foster a social atmosphere to establish a positive image of elderly women.



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