An Economic Feasibility Comparison of the extruded pellets and moist pellet on the Oliver flounder Culture Farms

넙치 배합사료 및 생사료의 경제성 비교분석

  • Published : 2009.12.31


This study is aimed to analyze the economic feasibility comparison of the extruded pellets and moist pellets on the Oliver flounder culture farms in Jeju Island. In order to do this, we selected 2 farms (M and S farms) in Jeju Island as a sample. In the study, various analyses including productivity analysis, cost structure analysis, profitability and economic feasibility analysis by feed type were conducted for two sample farms of Oliver flounder culture. The results of economic analysis by feed type on the Oliver flounder culture can be summarized as follows; First, there were not significant differences in productivity by feed type. Second, results of the profitability analysis on farm M by feed type showed the profitability was estimated to be 15.52% and 9.83% in EP and MP, respectively. In addition, the profitability of farm S was estimated to be 28.37% and 33.72% in EP and MP, respectively. Third, results of the economic analysis on farm M by feed type indicated that an internal rate of return(IRR) was 8% and 7% and a benefit-cost ratio was shown to be 1.64 and 1.11 in EP and MP, respectively. Furthermore, the economic analysis of farm M by feed type showed that an IRR was 19% and 24% and a benefit-cost ratio was calculated to be 1.4 and 1.51 in EP and MP, respectively. In summary, it is especially emphasized that economic valuation is not related to feed types (EP and MP). Finally, in order to improve the economic feasibility, it should be more focused on the efficient business management of the Oliver flounder aquaculture.



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