해양오염 퇴적물 정화사업의 어업자원회복 및 수산물 소비회복효과분석

Analyzing Recovered Effects of Marine Contaminated Sediment Cleanup Project on Fisheries Resources

  • 표희동 (부경대학교 해양산업경영학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


There are various types of predictable economic benefits to restoring beneficial uses from contaminated marine sediment cleanup. These benefits can be derived from reduction in aquatic animals died or infected, increase in their consumption recovery, increase in tourism including recreational fishing, reduction in human health risk, increase in amenity and aesthetics, increase in ecosystem integrity, and so on. The paper focuses on estimating the net increase in value for producers and consumers from producing and consuming those fish due to the pollution reduction of marine contaminated cleanup project. Almost Ideal Demand System(AIDS) is employed for estimate of the demand for fish, and the production cost function for fish are determined using market data. The result shows 10.8 billion won per year for economic surplus to the net increase for producers and consumers.



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