전통 색동이미지를 응용한 문화상품개발에 관한 연구

A Study of the Development of Cultural Products that Utilize the Traditional Saekdong Image

  • Lee, Mi-Seok (Dept. of Clothing and Textile, Han Nam University)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.27


This is a study regarding the development of cultural products with applied traditional Saekdong-image. The objective of this study is to develop unique cultural products which combine traditional korean images with modern feel by utilizing traditional Saekdong-image. Saekdong has been an object of deep attachment and regarded as a tool for expressing korean images from ancient times to the present. Chosun dynasty shows a wonderful growth of fashion not only in dress but also in such accessories as patchwork wrapping-cloth and Saekdong, which imply a lot on formation or color arrangement. Approximately 24 pieces of cultural products that can be used in daily life were created using Saekdong, including traffic or credit card cases, name card cases, pouches, coin purses, bags, Vest, teapot wrapping-cloth, brooch. After design plans were made for each works, natural dyes were used to dye(dip dyeing) the fabrics(cotton, silk, linen) by theme. In addition, the increased quality of the products will be a competitive edge in the world market where products compete with no national bounds.



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  20. 2007년 11월 인사동 문화상품전문점인 쌈지길, 솝리, 우리세계, 민예사랑, 가람, 통인가게, 한국관광명품점, 아리랑, 가나아트삽, 가교, 우리규방 등과 박물관의 기념품샵을 중심으로 현재 판매되고 있는 문화상품에 대한 시장조사를 설시하였다