aCN-RB-tree: Constrained Network-Based Index for Spatio-Temporal Aggregation of Moving Object Trajectory

  • Lee, Dong-Wook (Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Baek, Sung-Ha (Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Bae, Hae-Young (Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.30


Moving object management is widely used in traffic, logistic and data mining applications in ubiquitous environments. It is required to analyze spatio-temporal data and trajectories for moving object management. In this paper, we proposed a novel index structure for spatio-temporal aggregation of trajectory in a constrained network, named aCN-RB-tree. It manages aggregation values of trajectories using a constraint network-based index and it also supports direction of trajectory. An aCN-RB-tree consists of an aR-tree in its center and an extended B-tree. In this structure, an aR-tree is similar to a Min/Max R-tree, which stores the child nodes' max aggregation value in the parent node. Also, the proposed index structure is based on a constrained network structure such as a FNR-tree, so that it can decrease the dead space of index nodes. Each leaf node of an aR-tree has an extended B-tree which can store timestamp-based aggregation values. As it considers the direction of trajectory, the extended B-tree has a structure with direction. So this kind of aCN-RB-tree index can support efficient search for trajectory and traffic zone. The aCN-RB-tree can find a moving object trajectory in a given time interval efficiently. It can support traffic management systems and mining systems in ubiquitous environments.



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피인용 문헌

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