Shear bond strength of veneering porcelain to zirconia and metal cores

  • Choi, Bu-Kyung (Department of Prosthodontics, Graduate School, Seoul National University) ;
  • Han, Jung-Suk (Department of Prosthodontics, Graduate School, Seoul National University) ;
  • Yang, Jae-Ho (Department of Prosthodontics, Graduate School, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Jai-Bong (Department of Prosthodontics, Graduate School, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Sung-Hun (Department of Prosthodontics, Graduate School, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


STATEMENT OF PROBLEM. Zirconia-based restorations have the common technical complication of delamination, or porcelain chipping, from the zirconia core. Thus the shear bond strength between the zirconia core and the veneering porcelain requires investigation in order to facilitate the material's clinical use. PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bonding strength of the porcelain veneer to the zirconia core and to other various metal alloys (high noble metal alloy and base metal alloy). MATERIAL AND METHODS. 15 rectangular ($4\times4\times9mm$) specimens each of zirconia (Cercon), base metal alloy (Tillite), high noble metal alloy (Degudent H) were fabricated for the shear bond strength test. The veneering porcelain recommended by the manufacturer for each type of material was fired to the core in thickness of 3mm. After firing, the specimens were embedded in the PTFE mold, placed on a mounting jig, and subjected to shear force in a universal testing machine. Load was applied at a crosshead speed of 0.5mm/min until fracture. The average shear strength (MPa) was analyzed with the oneway ANOVA and the Tukey's test ($\alpha$= .05). The fractured specimens were examined using SEM and EDX to determine the failure pattern. RESULTS. The mean shear strength ($\pm\;SD$) in MPa was 25.43 ($\pm\;3.12$) in the zirconia group, 35.87 ($\pm\;4.23$) in the base metal group, 38.00 ($\pm\;5.23$) in the high noble metal group. The ANOVA showed a significant difference among groups, and the Tukey' s test presented a significant difference between the zirconia group and the metal group. Microscopic examination showed that the failure primarily occurred near the interface with the residual veneering porcelain remaining on the core. CONCLUSION. There was a significant difference between the metal ceramic and zirconia ceramic group in shear bond strength. There was no significant difference between the base metal alloy and the high noble metal alloy.



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