B형 간염 환자의 건강관리 양상 탐색을 위한 질적 연구

Qualitative Research Investigating Patterns of Health Care Behavior among Korean Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B

  • Yang, Jin-Hyang (Department of Nursing, Inje University) ;
  • Cho, Myung-Ok (Department of Nursing, Dongeui University) ;
  • Lee, Hae-Ok (College of Nursing and Health Science, University of Massachusetts)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Purpose: This ethnograpy was done to explore patterns of health care behavior in patients with chronic health problems. Methods: The participants were 15 patients with chronic hepatitis B and 2 family members. Among the patients 4 had progressed to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Data were collected from iterative fieldwork in a department of internal medicine of I hospital. Data were analyzed using text analysis and taxonomic methods. Results: Illness and disease, relationship between health care givers and clients, and communication patterns between health professions and clients were discussed as the context of health care behavior. Health care behavior of the participants was categorized by its focus: every day work centered, body centered, organ centered, and pathology centered. Conclusion: Participants' health care behavior was guided by folk health concept and constructed in the sociocultural context. Folk etiology, pathology, and interpretation of one's symptoms were influencing factors in illness behavior. These findings must be a cornerstone of culture specific care for the chronic diseases.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 미주 한인 만성 B형 간염 환자의 질병의 의미 vol.40, pp.5, 2009,
  2. 만성 B형간염 환자를 위한 자가관리 프로그램의 개발 및 평가 vol.42, pp.2, 2009,
  3. 만성 B형간염환자의 평생건강관리를 위한 모바일 앱 건강관리자용 상담매뉴얼 개발 및 평가 vol.20, pp.1, 2009,
  4. Experience of Patients’ Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Transarterial Chemoembolization vol.18, pp.1, 2009,
  5. B형간염 바이러스 보유 환자의 질환 활성도에 따른 B형간염 지식, 자가간호수행 및 삶의 질 비교 vol.31, pp.2, 2009,
  6. Hepatitis B Virus Infection : Fatigue-Associated Illness Experiences Among Koreans vol.41, pp.5, 2009,