학교조직풍토와 교사의 직무스트레스의 관계

Relations of School Organizational Climate and Teachers' Job Stresses

  • 투고 : 2009.01.05
  • 심사 : 2009.03.04
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


This study tested the relations of schools organizational climate and teachers' job stresses, perceived by 913 teachers from 45 elementary, junior- and senior-high schools. Pearson's correlation analysis for the relations between the sub-factors of both organizational climate and job stresses and cannonical correlation analysis for the relative contribution of individual variable of organizational climate upon job stress were applied for the test. The results of Pearson's correlation analysis showed that while 'intimacy', 'esprit', 'considerations', and 'production emphasis' climate had negative correlations with job stress sub-factors, 'disengagement' and 'aloofness' climate had positive correlation. 'Student guidance', a sub-factor of job stresses, did not have statistically significant correlation with any sub-factors of organizational climate. Findings from cannonical correlation analysis showed 2 significant cannonical functions to explain the relations between the sets of variables. 'Disengagement' from organizational climate positively contributed with 'authority forfeiture' and 'dissention and conflict' of the job stresses variables.



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