Grounded Theory Approach to the Procedure of International Students' Learning Korean

국제 유학생들의 한국어 학습과정에 대한 근거이론적 연구

  • Received : 2009.09.16
  • Accepted : 2009.11.11
  • Published : 2009.12.31


The purpose of this study was to figure out the procedure of learning Korean for international students. A research question was set up as follows: What is the procedure of leaning Korean for international students in Korean universities? To achieve the research purpose, this study implemented a method of semi-constructed interviews. Nineteen international students participated in the interview. The collected data for this study included transcripts from each interview. The transcripts of 60 minutes of interviews with all the participants was audio-taped recorded. This study investigated the research question based on the grounded theory. The analysis of open coding, axial-coding, and selective coding was used in the study. Results indicated that international students learned Korean in a daily basis, and then they adapted to academic Korean in their majored fields. Both personality and mother tongue influenced Korean language learning positively and negatively. International students' improvement of Korean was related in studying with Korean mass media such as TV soap dramas, talk shows, and songs. International students think that TOPIK(Test Of Proficiency In Korean) is not much related with their Korean language fluency. In conclusion, the researchers suggested to give more emphasis on academic training courses for Korean language and to improve the TOPIK in general academic Korean.



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