The Investigation of the Characteristics of a Teacher's Questions in Music Activity

음악활동시간의 교사질문특성 탐색

  • Received : 2009.07.17
  • Accepted : 2009.08.17
  • Published : 2009.10.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of a teacher's questions in each context of musical activity by analyzing those questions in kindergarten music activity qualitatively. The participant in research was a teacher in charge of the class of children aged 7. Analysis was carried out on the data collected for 3 months through participation observance note, recording material, interview material and weekly plan. As a result, the teacher's questions were leaned upon the convergent questions to confirm the reflection of information and the understanding of function in singing and performing activity. On the other hand, the teacher's questions were leaned upon the diffusive questions for the thought of integration of information in composition activity and upon the diffusive questions for representing feeling or image with no relation to musical meaning in appreciation activity. However, the teacher's questions for control were conducted together with one of the questions, the question mentioned ahead. The tacit control question in singing and performing activity and the explicit control question in composition activity were conducted together, and in appreciation activity, the simple questions to lead the class, though not with the purpose to control attention, was conducted together.



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