Bermuda Grass Hay or Sorghum Silage with or without Yeast Addition on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Crossbred Young Bulls Finished in Feedlot

  • Maggioni, Daniele (Animal Science Department, State University of Maringa) ;
  • De Araujo, Jair Marques (Agronomic Institute of Parana) ;
  • Perotto, Daniel (Agronomic Institute of Parana) ;
  • Rotta, Polyana Pizzi (Animal Science Department, State University of Maringa) ;
  • Ducatti, Taciana (Animal Science Department, State University of Maringa) ;
  • Matsushita, Makoto (Chemistry Department, State University of Maringa) ;
  • Silva, Roberio Rodrigues (Animal Science Department, State University of Maringa) ;
  • Prado, Ivanor Nunes do (Animal Science Department, State University of Maringa)
  • 투고 : 2008.04.22
  • 심사 : 2008.07.04
  • 발행 : 2009.02.01


This experiment was carried out to evaluate performance and carcass characteristics of 40 crossbred young bulls ($Zebu{\times}European$) finished in a feedlot under two roughage sources (Bermuda grass hay or sorghum silage) with or without the addition of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisae). The bulls were 20 months old, their initial average weight was 356 kg and they were allocated into four groups of ten animals. The experimental diets were Bermuda grass, Bermuda grass+yeast, sorghum silage and sorghum silage +yeast. Animal performance and carcass characteristics were not influenced by roughage source or yeast addition. The average daily weight gain was 1.50 kg, dry matter intake (DMI) was 11.1 kg/d, DMI as percentage of liveweight was 2.60% and feed dry matter conversion was 7.70. The mean dressing percentage was 52.0% and hot carcass weight was 268 kg. Carcass conformation was classified between good-minus to good. Carcass length (137 cm), leg length (72.9 cm) and cushion thickness (26.6 cm) were not influenced by treatments. The average fat thickness was 3.80 mm and the Longissimus muscle area was 66.9 $cm^{2}$. The classification of color, texture and marbling were slightly dark red to red, fine and slight-minus to light-typical, respectively. The mean percentage of bone, muscle and fat in the carcass was 15.5%, 62.3% and 22.5%, respectively. Yeast addition increased ${\gamma}$-linolenic fatty acid (0.15 vs. 0.11%) deposition. Bermuda grass hay increased deposition of ${\alpha}$-linolenic (0.49 vs. 0.41%), arachidonic (2.30 vs. 1.57%), eicosapentaenoic (0.41 vs. 0.29%), docosapentaenoic (0.80 vs. 0.62%), docosahexaenoic (0.11 vs. 0.06%) and n-3 fatty acids, and reduced n-6: n-3 ratio in meat, when compared to sorghum silage treatments. The treatments had no effect on saturated fatty acids (49.5%), polyunsaturated fatty acids (11.8%), n-6 fatty acids (9.87%), n-3 (1.61%) and PUFA:SFA ratio (0.24). Monounsaturated fatty acid levels were higher on sorghum silage (40.7 vs. 37.7%). The addition of yeast caused higher n-6: n-3 ratio (7.28 vs. 5.70) than treatments without yeast.



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