Femtosecond-laser-assisted Optoperforation of the Primary Retinal Blood Vessels and the Retina Tissue of Porcine Eyes

Sidhu, M.S.;Kim, Eun-Kyung;Woo, Suk-Yi;Song, Min-Cheol;Jeoung, Sae-Chae;Park, Youn-Il

  • 발행 : 20090800


We report the disruption of a porcine retina and retinal blood vessels in the fluence range between 0.7 J/$cm^2$ and 99.4 J/$cm^2$ of an ultrafast laser at a wavelength of 800 nm with a pulse width of 150 fs. A histological analysis and scanning electron microscopy of cryosectioned slices of the lesion tissue were applied to characterize the tissues irradiated with a fs-laser beam under single-shot configuration. The ablation threshold for the inner limiting membrane (ILM) of a porcine retina is 2.2 $\pm$ 0.9 J/$cm^2$. The threshold for optoperforation of primary blood vessels is 5.85 $\pm$ 1.49 J/$cm^2$. The ablation depth as a function of the laser fluence shows two different regimes in its semi-logarithmic plot. For the laser fluence lower than 25.3 J/$cm^2$, the dependence can be described with an optical penetration depth of 8.2 $\pm$ 2.2 ${\mu}m$ while at the higher fluence (>25.3 J/$cm^2$); there is steeper rise in ablation depth, which is governed by an electronic heating effect. A concerted ablation of the porcine retina layers and its primary blood vessels is discussed in terms of the optical penetration depth and electronic heating depth, followed by multiphoton excitation of the tissues at a near-infrared (NIR) fs-laser wavelength of 810 nm.



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