A Study on the Improvement of Human Resource Development for Fisheries and Shipping affiliate Teachers(I)

수산·해운계열 교사를 위한 인적자원개발 방안 모색(I)

  • Received : 2009.02.20
  • Accepted : 2009.03.17
  • Published : 2009.04.30


The purpose of the study is to improve in-service fisheries & shipping affiliate teachers informative and professional presentation. The sensible solution to this problem is to analyze about the opinion of in-service fisheries & shipping affiliate teachers about Certification Training Program during 10 years. We provide the suggestion about the coming certification training program that satisfy the need of the trainee and that can be effectively applied into practical teaching movement in school. According to these conclusion, it is estimated that in-service fisheries & marine teacher don't have the negative view of certification training program. By the way Combination subject education program was significantly improved by developing the program on the basis of the fisheries & shipping affiliate teachers' opinion.



Supported by : 부경대학교


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