청소년의 이어폰 및 음향기기 사용 실태와 문제점에 관한 연구

Problems of Usage of Earphones, PCPs on Hearing in Adolescents

  • 김은주 (협성대학교 보건관리학과)
  • Kim, Eun-Joo (Department of Health Management, Hyupsung University)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.01


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate usage of earplones, PCPs, and to give the basic data for adolescent's hearing health education. The study was a descriptive research about three factors affecting hearing loss; the knowledge and attitude about noise, the perception of hearing loss. Method: For research purposes, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 1,480 high school students in Suwon, from 27 October 2007 to 31 2007. Result: Most of the subjets used PCPs for 3-5 years, the average time of using earphones per day was 1-3 hours, awake hearing acuity decrease after using is the hearing acuity became worse some, PCPs type is MP3, use place house, listening contents ballade, disorder condition experience after using if the ear it is sick. The average of concern about hearing scored the highest 3.01${\pm}$0.54. The average of perceived susceptibility scored 3.04${\pm}$0.63 and the average of knowledge about noise scored 2.76${\pm}$0.46. The average of total knowledge and attitude about noise scored 2.93${\pm}$0.52. The average of discomfort of hearing loss(2.20${\pm}$0.63) scored higher than that fear of hearing loss(1.66${\pm}$0.30). The average of total perception of hearing loss scored 2.12${\pm}$0.67. Conclusion: At least in this study are shown in the youth earphone, PCPs used as a spare because of the seriousness of the issue, so as a result of these problems related to hearing about the youth campaign, through advertising or seriousness of the young people need them. In addition, countries also need to create policies and the support for health education, especially during the regular curriculum subjects on subjects that include teenagers in the earphone, PCPs due to problems with spare on the contents of the reservoir. The severity of hearing loss young people, prevention of hearing to protect the youth.



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