Sewerage rehabilitation strategy based on sewer capacity evaluation

하수관거 통수능 검토를 통한 관거 개선방안 연구

  • Received : 2008.12.30
  • Accepted : 2009.02.02
  • Published : 2009.02.15


Sewers are important national infrastructure and play an essential part by handling both wastewater and stormwater to minimise problems caused to human life and the environment. However, they can cause urban flooding when rainfall exceeds the system capacity. Sewer flooding is an unwelcome and increasingly frequent problem in many urban areas, and its frequency will increase over time with urbanisation and climate change. Under current standards, sewers are designed to drain stormwater generated by up to 10 year return period storms, but data suggests that many in practice have been experienced flooding with exceeding system capacity under increased storm events. A large number of studies has considered upgrading or increasing the design standard but there are still lack of information to propose a suitable return period with the corresponding system quantity to achieve. A methodology is required to suggest a proper level of standard within a suitable sewerage rehabilitation planning that can avoid the exceedance problem. This study aimed to develop a methodology to support effective sewer rehabilitation that could prevent urban flooding mainly resulted from the exceedance of existing storm sewer system capacity. Selected sewerage rehabilitation methods were examined under different storm return periods and compared to achieve the best value for money.



Supported by : 중앙대학교


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