한국 근대주거에서 나타나는 직주(職住)관계 변화 및 직주일치(職住一致) 주거공간의 특성 - 1920~1940년대 서울의 사례를 중심으로 -

Change in the Interface between "Place of Work" and "Place of Living" during the Modernization of the Korean Home and its Spatial Characteristics - The Case Study of Transitional Type in Seoul, 1920's~1940's -

  • 전남일 (가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 소비자주거학)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.25


The purpose of this study was to examine how the interface between "place of work" and "place of living" in the housing sphere has changed, and to understand its social background. During the korean modernization period, changes in economic structure toward industry has an influence on many aspects of modem life in addition to occupations. The traditional mixing of heterogeneous activities in the home-such as between reproduction and household affairs, first changed into a coexistence of two spaces with different functions within the boundaries of home, and finally into a spatial separation between functions in an urban dimension. As a result of this process, the primary role of the modem home is as a place for relaxation without work. One important kind of home, in which a retail shop is integrated with it, was researched as a transitional form. Its spatial layout showed a various combined usage of both spaces. In conclusion, changes in relevant macro-social aspects are very concretely reflected m the function and spatial organization of the home.



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