아파트 거주자의 커뮤니티센터 시설 및 프로그램 만족도 -광주광역시 아파트를 중심으로-

The Residents' Satisfaction on the Facilities and Programs of Community center in Apartment - Focused on the Apartment in Gwang-ju city -

  • 최영주 (전남대학교 실내디자인 협동과정) ;
  • 김미희 (전남대학교 생활환경복지학과, 생활과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.25


The purpose of this study is to suggest the design guide-lines for the community center through the analysis of users' satisfaction on the community facilities and programs. This study was approached by using theoretical investigation, a field survey and a questionnaire survey. The field survey was analyzed the current situations by conducting a housing managers' interview and viewing a blueprint of the community center. The questionnaire survey was tested by examining five different apartment complexes of over 500 households in Gwang-ju, which were all built between 2005 and 2007, 268 users were interviewed for the questionnaire survey. After all the questionnaires were collected, the data was coded and analyzed using the SPSS 12.0 program. Statistics used from data analysis were frequencies, means, standard deviations, one-way ANOVA, t-test, and correlation analysis. To conclusion, the satisfaction and usage of community facilities and programs shows higher for the indoor exercise/sports; such as, yoga, golf, and health programs than others. There is no strong correlation between the location and layout of community facility in apartment complex. However, this study could be a reference data when planning a new community center where plans to have community facilities and programs to satisfy its future users.



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