Experimental Design in Laboratory for Ecological Restoration in the Slag Dumping Area

  • Kim, Jin-Man (Department of Ecological Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kwak, Seck-Nam (Marine Eco-Technology Institute Co., Ltd.)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.30


Experimental design for ecological restoration approach was investigated from the P' company's slag dumping area with higher pH value. The degree of pH recovery was measured by the injection of carbon dioxide from the LNG exhaust gas, and the residual carbon, for example, calcium and carbonate which can be controlled by artificial seaweed beds. The degree of adaptability from 3 algaes (Undaria pinnatifida, Sargassum horneri and Ecklonia stolonifera) and uptake nutrient function of Ecklonia stolonifera chosen in the first treatment were measured in the laboratory to determine the transplanting algae in artificial seaweed beds. The higher value of pH was decreased to 7.0~8.5 by injection of LNG exhaust gas with flow rate $20\;m^3/min$. In the experiment design at laboratory, the upper part of frond of Undaria pinnatifida and Sargassum horneri began to decay, and the color changed after 10 days. However, those of Ecklonia stolonifera were after 14~20 days. The uptake rate of nutrient from Ecklonia stolonifera was higher than those of other algaes, and those was similar pattern in the control (e.g. seawater); The DIN concentration uptake of Ecklonia stolonifera was $1.88\;{\mu}g/L/hr$ avg. in leachate, but $2.19\;{\mu}g/L/hr$ avg. in seawater. However, the ${PO_4}^3$-P concentration uptake was $0.18\;{\mu}g/L/hr$ avg. in leachate, but $0.31\;{\mu}g/L/hr$ avg. in seawater. These result indicated Ecklonia stolonifera uptaked these nutrients in the leachate as well as in seawater, and it may suggested for this species to transplant for constructing artificial seaweed beds.



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