The Context Effect of Web Contents and Advertising

웹사이트 콘텐츠와 광고의 맥락효과 검증

  • Published : 2009.11.28


This study is to verify effects of banner advertising by context effect in web contents. For this, it analyzed the effects of banner advertising by association of internet article's contents, emotion, difficulty of article and the level of involvement. According to the result of experimental design, banner advertising effects by context effects of web contents were high in the following cases; in the case when the contents were highly associated with banner advertising; in the case when the positive emotions were formed by the internet article; in the case when the difficultly of article was low; and in the case when consumer's involvement was high. And also, when the contents were highly associated with the advertising, the content effects of web contents were high even in the case when the negative emotions were formed; in the case when the difficulty of article was high; and consumer's involvement was low.

본 연구는 웹콘텐츠의 맥락효과로 인한 배너광고효과를 검증하고자 대표적인 웹콘텐츠인 인터넷 기사와 광고의 관련성, 기사에 대한 감정과 감정, 관여도, 기사난이도에 따른 배너광고의 효과를 분석하였다. 분석 결과 맥락효과로 인해 배너광고의 효과가 높아지는 경우로는 콘텐츠와 광고의 관련성이 높고, 기사로 인해 긍정적인 감정이 형성된 경우, 기사의 난이도가 낮은 경우, 관여도가 높은 경우로 나타났다. 또한 광고에 대한 부정적인 감정이 형성되거나 광고의 난이도가 높아지는 경우, 관여도가 낮아지는 경우에도 기사와 광고간의 관련성이 높으면 광고효과가 향상되는 것을 통해 광고의 맥락효과를 검증하였다.



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