한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육 (Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education)
- 제28권4호
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- Pages.390-403
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- 2009
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
첨단 과학에 대한 초등 교사와 학생의 인식 및 교과서 내용 분석
Perception for the Frontier Science of Teachers and Children in Elementary Schools, and Analysis of Corresponding Contents in Textbooks
- Kim, Jin-Wha (Wonkwang Elementary School) ;
- Park, Il-Woo (Seoul National University of Education)
- 발행 : 2009.11.30
We have examined the perception of teachers and students in elementary schools toward the frontier science and analyzed corresponding contents in science textbooks in Korea and the U. S. in order to promote a good guidance for the frontier science education. We prepared separate questionnaires for teachers and children, respectively, and analyzed the responses obtained from 244 teachers and 1,000 students in five elementary schools. For the analysis of how to introduce the frontier science, we investigated textbooks such as Science, Society and Practical Arts of Korean elementary school, and an American science textbook published by Scott Foresman. This study revealed that teachers are well aware of the importance of the frontier science, however, they are inactive in conducting the subject in class rooms because of their insufficient scientific knowledge and poor environment for teaching. It has been found that children had strong interest in the frontier science, however, opportunities to learn the topic are not properly provided. The frontier science m the American science textbook turned out to be more systematically introduced than that in Korean ones.