Three Miraciid Copepods (Harpacticoida, Miraciidae) from South Korea

  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


Three harpacticoid species of the family Miraciidae are reported from neritic and brackish waters in Korea: Amphiascus kawamurai Ueda and Nagai, 2005, Schizopera clandestina (Klie, 1924) and Schizopera neglecta Akatova, 1935. Amphiascus kawamurai is newly recorded from Korea. Redescription is provided with the systematic accounts and illustrations of them.



  1. Akatova, N., 1935.Drei neue Copepoden-Arten aus dem Kaspisee. Zool Anz., 111: 319-326
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  23. Ueda, H. and H. Nagai, 2005. Amphiascus kawamurai, a new harpacticoid copepod (Crustacea: Harpacticoida: Miraciidae) from nori cultivation tanks in Japan, with a redescription of the closely related A. parvus. Species Diversity, 10: 249-258
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피인용 문헌

  1. A New Species of Cletocamptus Copepoda (Harpacticoida, Canthocamptidae) from Salt Marshes in Korea vol.29, pp.3, 2013,