Use of Serological-Based Assay for the Detection of Pepper yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus

  • 발행 : 2009.12.01


Diseases caused by Pepper yellow leaf curl virus infection is considered to be emerging plant diseases in Indonesia in the last five years. One key factor for disease management is the availability of accurate detection of the virus in plants. Polyclonal antibody for Pepper yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus-Bogor (PYLCIV-Bgr) was produced for detection of the virus using I-ELISA and DIBA methods. The antibody was able to detect PYLCIV-Bgr from infected plants up to dilution 1/16,384 and cross reaction was not observed with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), and Chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV). Positive reaction was readily detected in membrane containing Begomovirus samples from Yogyakarta (Kaliurang and Kulonprogo) and West Java (Bogor and Segunung). Infection of PYLCIV-Bgr in chillipepper, tomato, and Ageratum conyzoides was also confirmed using polyclonal antibody for PYLCIV-Bgr in DIBA. Polyclonal antibody for PYLCIV-Bgr is suggested to be included in disease management approach due to its good detection level.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Improved detection of Cucumber mosaic virus coat protein (CMV-CP) in genetically modified pepper (Capsicum annuum) using a polyclonal antibody to a synthetic CP peptide vol.56, pp.3, 2015,