해빈경사에 따른 잠제 개구부의 3차원적인 흐름특성에 관한 연구

A Study on Effect of Beachface Gradient on 3-D Currents around the Open Inlet of Submerged Breakwaters

  • 이우동 (국립경상대학교 대학원 해양토목공학과) ;
  • 허동수 (국립경상대학교 해양과학대학 토목환경공학부(해양산업연구소)) ;
  • 박종배 ((주)포스코건설 토목환경사업부) ;
  • 안성욱 ((주)포스코건설 토목환경사업부)
  • Lee, Woo-Dong (Department of Ocean Civil Engineering, Graduate School, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Hur, Dong-Soo (Department of Ocean Civil Engineering (Institute of Marine Industry), Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Park, Jong-Bae (POSCO Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.) ;
  • An, Sung-Wook (POSCO Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.27


The aim of this study was to survey the effects of the beachface gradient on 3-D currents around the open inlets of submerged breakwaters. First, the numerical model was validated by a comparison with existing experimental data. This model is able to consider the flow through a porous medium with inertial, laminar, and turbulent resistance terms, i.e. simulate directly WAve?Structure?Seabed/Sandy beach interaction, and can determine the eddy viscosity with a LES turbulent model in a 3-Dimensional wave field (LES-WASS-3D). Using the numerical results of this model, the 3-D currents around the open inlets of submerged breakwaters were examined in relation to the beachface gradient. Moreover, the wave height distribution and mean flow around them are also discussed, as well as the distribution of the wave breaking points over the crest.



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