까마중-에탄올 추출물의 기능적 특성과 항산화 효과

Functional Properties and Antioxidant Effects of Solanum nigrum-Ethanol Extract

  • Jeong, Kap-Seop (Department of Food Science & Technology, Tongmyong University) ;
  • Lee, Nahm-Gull (Department of Food Science & Technology, Tongmyong University)
  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


Functional properties of Solanium nigrum-ethanol extract were investigated, nitrite scavenging ability(NSA) and antioxidant activities based on thiobarbituric acid(TBA) value were measured. The contents of potassium in fruit and root, calcium in leaf were the highest mineral components in each parts of Solanium nigrum. Total aromatics contents(TAC) was order of fruit>root>leaf, total flavonoid contents(TFC) in leaf was 6 and 10 times, total phenolic compounds contents(TPC) in leaf was 15 and 30 times of those in fruit and root, respectively, and TFC was high with TPC increase. NSA of leaf-ethanol extract was 61.9% on pH 1.2, 53.5% on pH 3.0, 54.8% on pH 4.0 and 14.3% on pH 6.0, where as NSA of root and fruit-ethanol were considerably low to 3.5~7.9% over pH 1.2~6.0. TBA value of soybean oil with the dosage of leaf-extract showed few differences from control within 3 days, but it fairly decreased with considerable antioxidant effect to 47.6% of the control in 8 days.



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