A Novel Integration Scheme for Audio Visual Speech Recognition

  • Pham, Than Trung (School of Electronics & Computer Engineering Chonnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Young (School of Electronics & Computer Engineering Chonnam National University) ;
  • Na, Seung-You (School of Electronics & Computer Engineering Chonnam National University)
  • Published : 2009.11.30


Automatic speech recognition (ASR) has been successfully applied to many real human computer interaction (HCI) applications; however, its performance tends to be significantly decreased under noisy environments. The invention of audio visual speech recognition (AVSR) using an acoustic signal and lip motion has recently attracted more attention due to its noise-robustness characteristic. In this paper, we describe our novel integration scheme for AVSR based on a late integration approach. Firstly, we introduce the robust reliability measurement for audio and visual modalities using model based information and signal based information. The model based sources measure the confusability of vocabulary while the signal is used to estimate the noise level. Secondly, the output probabilities of audio and visual speech recognizers are normalized respectively before applying the final integration step using normalized output space and estimated weights. We evaluate the performance of our proposed method via Korean isolated word recognition system. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of our proposed system compared to the conventional systems.



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