Phytoremediation of Heavy-Metal-Contaminated Soil in a Reclaimed Dredging Area Using Alnus Species

  • Lee, Deok-Beom (Gwangyang Landscape Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Nam, Woong (Gwangyang Landscape Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Kwak, Young-Se (Department of Environment Research, Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology (RIST)) ;
  • Cho, Nam-Hoon (Department of Landscape Architecture, Sunchon National University) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Suk (Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Seoul)
  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


To investigate the possible applications of plants to remediate heavy-metal-contaminated soil, a pilot experiment was performed for four years in a reclaimed dredging area using two Alnus species, i.e., Alnus firma and Alnus hirsuta. In a comparison of phytomass of the two species at two different planting densities, the phytomass of Alnus planted at low density was twice as high as that of Alnus planted at high density after four years. The Alnus species showed active acclimation to the heavy-metal-contaminated soil in a reclaimed dredging area. A. hirsuta showed greater accumulation of phytomass than A. firma, indicating that it is the better candidate for the phytoremediation of heavy-metal-contaminated soils. In the pilot system, Alnus plants took metals up from the soil in the following order; Pb > Zn > Cu > Cr > As > Cd. Uptake rates of heavy metals per individual phytomass was higher for Alnus spp. planted at low density than those planted at high density in the pilot system. Low plant density resulted in higher heavy metal uptake per plant, but the total heavy metal concentration was not different for plants planted at low and high density, suggesting that the plant density effect might not be important with regard to total uptake by plants. The quantity of leached heavy metals below ground was far in excess of that taken up by plants, indicating that an alternative measurement is required for the removal of heavy metals that have leached into ground water and deeper soil. We conclude that Alnus species are potential candidates for phytoremediation of heavy-metal- contaminated surface soil in a reclaimed dredging area.



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