맹장에 발생한 단일성 결절형 소화관 림프종의 영상 진단 증례

Diagnostic Imaging of Solitary Nodular Cecal Lymphoma in a Dog

  • 발행 : 2009.02.27


A spayed female, 8-year-old, maltese, weighing 1.84 kg with a history of acute severe vomiting, anorexia, depression for 2 day was referred. An abdominal mass was palpated with abdominal pain on physical examination. Radiographic findings included two soft tissue density masses in the mid-abdominal cavity and gas dilated colon. Ultrasonographs showed one heterogeneous hypoechoic round mass including intestinal wall. There were loss of normal wall layering and motility and absence of internal lumen of the intestinal wall. And another heterogeneous hyperechoic mass was identified to the medial side of the intestinal mass. Based on clinical signs, image findings, and the result of fine needle aspiration, intestinal obstruction due to alimentary lymphoma was diagnosed. On surgery, a cecal lymphoma and mesenteric lymphadenopathy were confirmed and the cecal mass was resected.



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