Pulmonary bullae are air-filled spaces within the lung parenchyma that result from the destruction, dilatation and confluence of adjacent alveoli. Pulmonary bullae are found most often in healthy, middle aged, large breed or deep-chested dogs that have no previous history of lung disease and bulla may occur as a result of emphysema, inflammation or trauma. Clinical signs include respiratory distress, anorexia, depression and tachypnea. In this study, a dog with respiratory distress by traffic accident was diagnosed as pulmonary bullae with pneumothorax using radiography at Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, GNU. In radiographs, various sized, smooth margin, well defined, oval shaped, gas or fluid filled multiple bullae are shown in the left cranial, left caudal and right accessory lobes. At the initial stage of observation, there were indications of four bullae, two of which were not found in the following radiograph. At the same time, there were serious indications of lung consolidation that caused respiratory distress of patient. Ultimately, the patient was expired after ten hours.