오미자 추출물을 첨가한 도라지와 연근 정과의 품질특성

Quality Characteristics of Bellflower and Lotus Root Jeonggwa Added Omija (Schizandra chinensis Baillon) Extract

  • 권후자 (대구한의대학교 한방식품조리영양학부) ;
  • 박찬성 (대구한의대학교 한방식품조리영양학부)
  • Kwon, Hoo-Ja (Faculty of Herbal Food Cuisine & Nutrition, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Park, Chan-Sung (Faculty of Herbal Food Cuisine & Nutrition, Daegu Haany University)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


The purpose of this research is to develop bellflower (Platycodon grandiflorum) root and lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) root Jeonggwa as a health food. The quality characteristics of Jeonggwa to which 0-8% (w/w) of Omija (Schizandra chinensis Baillon) water extract was added were investigated. The moisture contents of bellflower root Jeonggwa were 14.9-18.0%, where as that of lotus root Jeonggwa was 6.9-8.4%. The acidity of bellflower root Jeonggwa was 0.477-0.585% and that of lotus root Jeonggwa was 0.513-0.572%; values increasing levels of Omija extract. The lightness (L) and yellowness (b) values of bellflower root Jeonggwa decreased with increasing amounts of Omija extract, and the lightness (L), redness (a) and yellowness (b) values of lotus root Jeonggwa decreased with increasing Omija extract concentration (p<0.05). In mechanical tests with bellflower root Jeonggwa, the highest values of hardness and strength were seen at 2% (w/w) extract, of cohesiveness were seen with 4-8%, of springiness with 2-6%, of gumminess with 6-8%, and of brittleness with 4-6% (all p<0.01). In mechanical tests with lotus root Jeonggwa, the highest values of hardness and springiness were at 0 and 6% extract, respectively, whereas strength, gumminess and brittleness were at 6-8% Omija extract (all p<0.01). In sensory evaluation, the highest acceptability of bellflower root Jeonggwa was seen with 4% extract and that of lotus root Jeonggwa was seen with 2% extract.



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