팔 굽혀 펴기에 대한 생체역학 분석

Analysis of Biomechanics of Push-up Movement

  • Rho, Tae-Hwan (Department of Physics, University of Ulsan) ;
  • Kim, Jeong-Hyo (Department of Physical Therapy, Sunlin University) ;
  • Park, Si-Baek (Department of Physical Therapy, Sunlin University) ;
  • Lee, Na-Na (Department of Physical Therapy, Sunlin University)
  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


Purpose:The purpose of this study is an interval palmar width according to change of muscle activation under push-up movement. Methods:Three, this study participation normal young adult (male 3, mean age ; 24yaers). The subject performed maximum contraction under push-up movement. EMG activaty patterns is measured with three different width. The EMG activity of pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi were measured using surface electromyography. Results:EMG activation of pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi following of push-up was shown significant difference(p<.05). Also, experiment value was agree with calculation value and width of shoulder position was minimum of pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscle activity. Conslusion:RMS values in case of fretum and wide width of the hands on Latissimus Dorsi are shown muscle activity $132{\mu}V$ and $173.5{\mu}V$, respectively. Especialy, RMS value in terms of wide width of the hands on muscles is shown very enhanced muscle activity. It is suggest that interval palmar width of the hands on pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi in push-up movement was effective to intensify of the muscle activity.



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