A Characteristics of Directional Orientation of the Houses in Hangae, Omi, Daksil, Jusil Traditional Villages of Geomantic South-west

형국(形局)이 남서향(南西向)을 향하는 전통마을에서 주택의 방위(方位)적 특성 -한개, 오미, 닭실, 주실마을을 중심으로-

  • Received : 2009.07.10
  • Accepted : 2009.08.16
  • Published : 2009.08.25


This study is about the co-relationship between the directional orientation of the houses and the geometric direction in the Korean traditional villages. The major mountain in the back of the village and the front mountain ranges give the most important influence for the direction of the houses. This paper, therefore, tries to identify how the houses of villages facing South-west direct the orientation. The village, where the natural environment face the South-west village, solves the problem by facing major direction rather than one all direction. All houses observe and respect the circumstance of geomantic surrounding to the extant that almost no houses revise its direction without any geomantic reference. This kind of research let us know the relationship between the natural direction, the direction of geomantic surrounding, and the direction of houses in traditional Korean villages.



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