한국의사학회지 (The Journal of Korean Medical History)
- 제22권2호
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- Pages.7-13
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- 2009
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- 1229-6147(pISSN)
국내 한의학 학술지에 발표된 동의보감 연구 현황 조사
Systematic review on the DongUiBoGam in the Korean Medicine Journal
- 한창현 (한국한의학연구원 문헌연구센터) ;
- 박상영 (한국한의학연구원 문헌연구센터) ;
- 권오민 (한국한의학연구원 문헌연구센터) ;
- 안상영 (한국한의학연구원 문헌연구센터) ;
- 안상우 (한국한의학연구원 문헌연구센터)
- Han, Chang-hyun (Center for Medical History and Literature, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
- Park, Sang-young (Center for Medical History and Literature, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
- Kwon, Oh-min (Center for Medical History and Literature, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
- Ahn, Sang-young (Center for Medical History and Literature, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
- Ahn, Sang-woo (Center for Medical History and Literature, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
- 투고 : 2009.12.07
- 심사 : 2009.12.18
- 발행 : 2009.12.30
Background : To understand Korean medicine it is crucial to first understand medical aspect of 'DongUiBoGam'. It is also meaningful that it became one of the influential book even to posterity. Also based on the apprehension, we can take a view of development of Korean medicine led by 'DongUiBoGam'. Objectives : This study aims to review the status, study field, specialist of DongUiBoGam. In the process, this review will grasp trends in this field of studies and will direct further researches into the right direction. Method : The computerized Korean databases were searched from their respective inceptions up to December 2008. The search terms used were 'DongUiBoGam' and random or Korean language terms related to DongUiBoGam. Several specialized journals were also manually searched for relevant articles. Result : Since the 2000s, DongUiBoGam papers in the Korean Literature is increased. Published 58 papers on The Korean Journal of Oriental Medical Prescription were more than the other journals. 58 papers published in The Korean Journal of Oriental Medical Prescription are the best in many areas related to Korean medicine. Most people have submitted papers related to DongUiBoGam was Woo-yeal Jeong. Conclusions : 'DongUiBoGam' research is conducted and current tendency and outlook for 'DongUiBoGam' is carried out focusing on several associations.