The Study on development of models of the Planning Toilet in School Buildings

학교화장실 계획의 최적화 모델개발 연구

  • 이상민 ((사)한국교육환경연구원, 시립인천대학) ;
  • 김성중 ((사)한국교육환경연구원) ;
  • 맹준호 ((사)한국교육환경연구원)
  • Received : 2009.10.23
  • Accepted : 2009.12.18
  • Published : 2009.12.31


The toilet in school building is one of most crucial elements for the recent changing face in school design, but the number of toilets and urinals in most school may not be sufficient to meet current needs, especially in the girl's toilet rooms. This study aims to suggest a guideline in designing the toilet in school buildings and propose the optimum area and development of models. The survey for this study is conducted through questionnaires collected and research from 9 schools in Seoul. The results of this study, it is suggested that the number of toilet facilities in school buildings be required by ratio of 0.5 toilets per a class and 1.1 urinal per a class for boy. In case of girls, it is suggested that ratio of 1.6 toilets per a class. Based on the result, it also propose various unit plans for each class block with space such as rest zone, green zone, powder zone etc.



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