영화에 나타난 악인 캐릭터의 시각적 이미지 분석 - 2000년대 이후 사례를 중심으로 -

An Analysis of the Visual Image of Villain Characters - Focusing on Korean Films Since 2000 -

  • Lee, Hye-Joo (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Chung-Ang University) ;
  • Jeon, In-Mi (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Chung-Ang University)
  • 발행 : 2009.01.31


The villains in recent films are given interesting roles not only through the actual contents of the story but also by attractive personal characteristics including internal and psychological aspects. The purpose of this paper is to take a deeper look into the image styling process of villain characters. The cases will focus on seven representative Korean films that have attracted over one million audiences as of the year 2000, and the leading and supporting actors within those films. Analysis will be made mainly on the visual image creations of those villains. The visual images are categorized by the make-up, hair-do, clothing and accessories relevant to the psychological personality type of each actor's role and their background based on the given scenarios. The results are as follows: First, villain characters are portrayed as an individual with multiple personalities with regards to psychological, economical, and vocational aspects. Second, fashion trends of the character is an important element to keep pace with the times or to visualize the sense of the times in which the villain exists. Third, a specific point that characterizes the villain's character are expressed through various touches using noticeable accessories, specific colors in make up, hair style, and a certain fashion.



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